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July 23, 2010


Hello blogging friends.  One day this spring while shopping at the thrift store I found this amazing old prom dress that I just had to have.  In reality, I will never wear it (can't even begin to get the zipper done up), but I thought it would look so pretty just hanging in my studio and I will also use it for a prop in some of my photography so you are sure to see it in some future posts.

Today I am participating in Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.  Be sure to stop by her blog for links to all the participants.

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take,
all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."-John Burroughts

Have a wonderful weekend!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Janis,
I totally understand having to "have it!" I wouldn't have passed it up either. It's so pretty with all that pink and glitter.

Mine isn't pink but I did post a pic of it on my blog for Pink Saturday.


Anonymous said...

OMGosh Glenda Good Wiich of the North! Magical!

Lara said...

Wow, that IS an amazing dress! I would totally wear it somewhere inappropriate....like a picnic. Haha


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Just gorgeous !!
I am always on the look out for vintage prom dresses ~


Kate said...

that dress is utterly darling!!! What a terrific prop, gosh if I lived closer we would have to pull a McGuyver so you could were it.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Do you know Elinor Hanschke?

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Killer! and I think it will fit one of your boys...I can see another photo session in the making!!!! LOL!!!!

Jane said...

Looks like a beautiful dress. It will make a gorgeous prop!
Have a great weekend.

A Shabby Moment in Time said...

ooooh! Cinderella would have loved this...very fairy tale gorgeous!!! Lucky you.
Can't wait to see it in future posts.

Lisa said...

Oh my! That dress is amazing!!!! So wish I could wear things like that!
Happy Pinks!
Hugs, Lisa

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Love it!! Also loved your post with the anonymous boy wearing the dress! Even though you had to pay big for the photo op- what sweetie for putting that on and letting you take a picture!!!
New follower here- cute blog!

Cindy said...

That dress is so gorgeous, I can see how it would appeal to you and your style of art. I look forward to catching glimpses of it in photos here on your blog.
Hugs, Cindy S

Tobi Britton*pinkpixieforest.blogspot.com said...

Oh how lovely! We would have snatched it up too!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Mom vs. the boys said...

oohhh purty! I love that bodice! it would be great for photography shoots

raggygirlvintage said...

Gorgeous dress Janis, so girly! I have two little girl tulle dresses, one white, one pink, to hang in my "studio". I'm gonna wait and see what you do with yours!!

Outofmymind said...

It's beautiful, but I must say I was disappointed not to see a darling boy at least near it!

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Janis, what a great find! Like a fairy princess, dreamy:-)

Vintage Home said...

...WOW...what a delightful dress...to bad it didn't come with pictures of the past!...but we can only imagine!

Unknown said...

So delicious you could almost eat it with a spoon. it's enchanting and cinderella like...
happy pink saturday

Lady Pamela said...

Fabulous quote - so true.
Ask your son when will he model the dress for you 'wink'.

Carole said...

Passing that one would have been a sin! It's just the perfect prop and can't wait to see in your studio.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Janis,
That prom dress is gorgeous, it will look so pretty hanging up. The color is so pretty, you'll have to show us once you've found the perfect spot for it. Love the Burroughs quote, it's the truest thing now, isn't it? Never enough time for all the good things to savor in life!

maryboys said...

beautiful! and janis - i love your post about your sons! i simply adore my 2 boys, beyond measure...


maría cecilia said...

Hola, I have loved the beautiful dress you´ve found!!!!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Hellooooo Miss J! Love your pink dress! FABULOSO! I wish it was mine.

Happy Pink Saturday and WELCOME!


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Happy Pink Saturday Janis Sweetie...
I LUV this dress. It is exquisite. I love the top being the darker color and flowing into the lighter, and the gold colored band is so beautiful entwining the two together. It will be so gorgeous used in photos as a prop.

It looks like something Glenda wore as the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz. I so adore it.

Thank you for sharing with me today. I have signed up to follow you. I can't wait to see what you share next. You have a beautiful blog home.

Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well. I love meeting new friends and I so love sharing.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

A 2 Z said...

Love the dress especially the tiny sequins. Makes you want to wear it and dance like nobody's watching! LOL Thanks for sharing.


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Janis,

Welcome to PiNk Saturday. Each week we tell everyone about a new blog that we've visited. This week I'm featuring you and your blog.

I love your prom dress...what a wonderful find.

Drop by when you have a moment. Have a wonderful PiNk day,

Stephanie ♥

Simply Debbie said...


NanE said...

Welcome to pink Saturday! That prom dress is to die for! "I" would have picked out something very similar for my prom, I have always been a Pinkie! Have a great weekend, Nan

NanE said...

Oh, I forgot to say, your photographs are AMAZING! :)

Sara said...

I would just have to have had it too, so gorgeous, some great photos. hugs Sara

Jorgelina said...

Beautiful dress.
Welcome to pink Saturday!!

Unknown said...

Just stunning. I can see why you had to have it. That pink confection evokes so many images in my head!

Welcome to PS! Your blog is lovely. I am a new follower!!

Come visit my pinks when you get a chance. Nice to "meet" you Janis!


Julie said...

Beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday!

Patti said...

A hearty welcome to pink Saturday!!

I agree with you...the dress is gorgeous!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pink.

Have a wonderful day,
Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

Sherry from Alabama said...

I am so glad you joined in for Pink Saturday! I've enjoyed my first visit to your beautiful blog. I've signed up as your newest follower and will be back when I can spend a little more time.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

★Carol★ said...

That dress definitely needed to come home with you! I think I would have bought it too, because it's magical, like a Cinderella dress. I look forward to seeing more of it!
Happy PS!

bj said...

Hi, Janis, this is absolutely a WONDERFUL vintage dress. Of COURSE you had to have it!! Now, you have ME wanting to find one. :))

Gail said...

Oh my what a pretty dress, do you know if it was hand made? I would have had to have it as well. Have been enjoying your blog and am glad you have come to join us on PS. I need to learn how to take such pretty pictures.
Gail - Decorating My Tin Shack

Veronica said...

That's absolutely beautiful!! Happy Pink Saturday!

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hello Janis, That is such a gorgeous prom dress,and can see why you would want to have it...I would too!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Warmest hugs, Brenda

Jen said...

Happy Pink Saturday! What a beautiful dress! And I love that quote at the end.

D. Jean Quarles said...

What a lovely! Oh my gosh. Too perfect. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see other shots with it.

Beth E-R said...

A girl can't have too many prom dresses! Not too long ago I got stuck in a vintage dress that had been my Mom's. I was home alone and my best neighbor was at work. So I thought for a while I might be "dressed up" for the rest of the day. Fortunately, I got the zipper to budge and didn't have to go formal for the rest of the day!

Jane, Naples, Florida said...

Oh the is the prettiest! I know
the feeling when you are shopping
the thrifts and you see something
too good to pass up!

It will look beautiful in your

Love your blog! Welcome to Pink

Flora Doora

Luciana Kajiura said...

Thanks for your visit in my blog! I love the dress!
Hugs, Luciana.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Lucky you!
I am on the look out for a vintage dress like this!!


Regina said...

How fabulous.
Happy Pink Saturday Janis.


Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Hi Janis!

What a fun find! Can you imagine dancing at your prom in something so grand as that dress!
I'm glad you snapped it up and gave it a new home!!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Hugs and Smiles,


Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Janis, Thaty is a verry pretty dress. And it vintage also some one must of treasured it to keep it looking so new. Thanks for stopping by for a visit......Julian

Les Cotrions said...

What a beautiful dress! It looks like a pink cloud! It's just perfect for photographs!
Have a nice Sunday Janis!

Suzie Button said...

I wouldn't have hesitated a minute getting that dress! So so beautiful! Lucky you! Happy PS! Suzie

suesueb said...

What a great find!! I love all the vintage things in your blog-and the "nameless" model! It sounds like your boys are lots of fun and love!! Happy pink saturday!

Anonymous said...


caren said...

I wonder what stories that dress could tell! Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

What an amazing dress, I bet if you could wear it you would look like a fairy princess! I just joined Pink Saturdays and will post for the first time next Saturday! Pinky hugs!

Sinderella's Studio said...

Beautiful dress!!!! It would definitely be hard to pass by! Welcome to pink saturdays - great post!

Christi Williams said...

I so would have got that dress too. Love it!!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

G'eve Janis ... what elegant, romantic picture presentation ... AWESOME!

Welcome to Pink Saturday, you will have an enjoyable time here with all these wonderful ladies.

Have a lovely PINK weekend ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

Lynn said...

Really fun-enjoy!

Maison Mutt said...

I'm a sucker for anything tulle!
Licks & Wags,Niki

debi lynn mattingly said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! That piece would go puuuurfect with one of the tutus that I sell in the store! Have a GREAT weekend..xo..deb

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Janis,

I love your pretty pink dress, wouldn't you feel like a Princess wearing this.

Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Preeeeeettttttyyyyyyyyyyy. Like very much the sparkly bodice and then a full (cotton candy-like) skirt :-)

Happy Pink Saturday!


Melly said...

oh my, oh my that dress is soooooo gorgeous!!!!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Such a beautiful dress, I love to hang pretty vintage dresses in my studio also. This is my first pink saturday post too, it's been alot of fun.... Happy Pink Saturday~~~ Daphne

June said...

Janis I can already tell it is a stunner! Darn, I was so wishing you would model it for us yourself. You would look adorable.
Thank you so much dear friend for the well wishes. Your words meant so much to me. How lucky I am to have friends who are so suppotive. This is why I blog.

cinnibonbon said...

Beautiful. Oh I love that dress--what a seriously lucky find---drool drool over here!!!

Your photographs are stunning!! Love the lake pictures and the bucket--hehe-- as I am new to your blog--I was thinking--who would charge her for art? LOL..then I realized what i was looking at!!! WAY TO GO for your son!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my....that looks like a Cinderella ball gown! I bet wearing all those layers of tulle would be so much fun. Happy (late) Pink Saturday..xo Lynn

Prior said...

Love the pink and the quote is sooo true! Lezlee

Rustydiva said...

I am in love with this dress! What a lucky find. I would promptly dress up my dress form with it. Beautiful pictures! I want to be in the water so badly.


Beverly said...

This is an extremely belated Happy Pink Saturday to you, Janis. I have been so busy with work that I can hardly get around to visit. But, I do want you to know that I am happy you joined us.

I can certainly see why you had to have this gorgeous dress. It is a vision of beauty.


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