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March 10, 2011


My friend Tracie at Fishtail Cottage is having a Garden Post day which is JUST what I needed on this blustery day (my goodness I just heard the forecast.....wind warning, rain and hail expected here today)!!!   Here is a little garden pink to remind us all that spring IS on its way!!
Please visit Tracie's blog for links to lots of inspiring garden posts.

Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn.  
~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard inKathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You

Happy day!


Anonymous said...

love the picture, sure could use some summer weather here also. If I was a duck I would be loving this weather. Stay dry and don't blow away.


NanaDiana said...

I wish I could link up! The only thing I am growing is snowballs and icicles...can you believe it? I will pop over and see what everyone is up to though! Diana

Nancy's Notes said...

Love the pink and the quote too! Don't blow away up there, take care!


bikim said...

i'm so ready for spring!
so cute!
lovely photos!
take care,

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Thanks for sharing another beautiful vingette. I'm so ready for spring!


Cindy said...

Very lovely photo and what a great saying. Your weather sounds very March-ish!
Hugs, Cindy

Rosie said...

Oh yes Janis, it can't be too far away...can it? Thanks for the fix. Hugs to you my dear...xoxox...and a kiss or two...C

LizlovesVintage said...

Thanks for the touch of Spring. I needed that this am. Rain here!
xx Liz


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