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March 25, 2014

OPERA TUNES by Rust: Vintage Inspired Design

Just wanted to let you all know that
Rust: Vintage Inspired Design will have a booth at the
Old Farmhouse Market
on Saturday June 14, 2014.
There will be 2 barns full of junk with 60 vendors in attendance!
The Albion Fairgrounds,
23514-105th Avenue
Maple Ridge, BC.


SPRING BLUES by Rust: Vintage Inspired Design

I can never get enough of these old blue mason jars.
(I know there are lots of reproduction jars out there nowadays, but their colors just don't compare to these vintage ones).
I took a trip to a local pottery supply store where I found all the supplies to turn some in to liquid candle holders.
The great thing about these is that you can use them outside and the wind doesn't blow them out.
Happy day!


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