
December 24, 2010


"Merry Christmas to all & to all a Good Night!"

PS This sweet little deer was created by my dear friend Angela of Lala's Land.

December 17, 2010


Thought I would share a little more bling with you today.....
This is a bracelet that I made from a vintage rhinestone necklace, rosary beads and chandelier crystals.

Happy day!

December 15, 2010


Fingerless gloves have become one of my favorite winter items.  
Here is a pair that I embellished with some felt flowers and vintage rhinestones.

 Look for old wool sweaters at the thrift store and felt them by washing in hot water.  They can then easily be cut up with no fraying edges.
Happy day!

December 10, 2010


The Jean D'Arc Magazine has become my all time favorite magazine EVER!!!!!
Something I have noticed in it are people using angel wings in their decorating so I was thrilled to find a pair of UGLY gold ones at the thrift store......a little bit of glitter and ribbon transformed my angel wings in to exactly what I envisioned.

PS  Thank you to Carole of Maynard Greenhouse for always being so willing to mail me the Jean D'Arc Magazine as it is NOT available in Canada.

Happy thrifting and happy day!

December 9, 2010


Christmas came a little early for me this year as I treated myself to this gorgeous vintage chandy.  My friend Lily found this beauty and was so sweet to sell it to me!!
 We have a really big kitchen (no dining room) in our house and this chandy is absolutely stunning above our long kitchen harvest table.

We had another AMAZING weekend at the Festive Nest......thank you so much to those of you who were able to come out and visit us!!!!!!!

Next up..................a SPRING SALE!!!!!!!
Well, better run off and get some shopping done or my poor, supportive, understanding children and hubby will have nothing under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning!
Happy day my friends!

November 27, 2010


So excited to tell you that we are opening the barn for another weekend!!!!
As we almost completely SOLD OUT our first weekend we will have LOTS of new inventory in the same "to die for" location!!!!
Come visit us:
December 4th & 5th

632 192nd Street
South Surrey, BC (access off 8th Ave)

Happy day!

November 22, 2010


Here is a simple and fun idea for your Christmas gift tags.....
look for Christmas related vintage cutlery at thrift stores through the year, drill a small hole and loop some ribbon through and tie to a gift.
You can use metal stamps to etch names in the cutlery or alternatively use a sharpie.
Oh sooooo cold here on the West Coast....I'm afraid we really aren't used to it!!!
Hoping you are all keeping warm!
xo janis

November 19, 2010


Well, I am in full Christmas mode now!!!!  We even got a little dusting of snow last night with ?more on its way today (we are hoping!!).  The boys have their skiis out and are ready to go!!!!
I have always loved vintage bottle brush trees, but have NEVER been able to find any......
Last year I noticed tutorials all over blogland for bleaching trees....this is my version of those projects.
Displayed in little embellished pieces found at the thrift store they are an adorable addition to your Christmas decor.
Have a great day my blogging friends!

November 15, 2010


What an AMAZING weekend we had at the Festive Nest!!!!!!
A big thank you to all of you for coming out to support, encourage and inspire us!!!!!  And an extra big thank you to Angela, Lily, Noelle, Jill, Heather, little Lily, and Ang's parents for ALL the hard work that went in to making this event such a big success!

 We all had so much FUN that we are planning to open the barn up for one more weekend in December....not sure which one yet, but will keep you posted.
 PS...The idea for my SANCTUARY signs came from Burlap Luxe the most delicious and enchanting blog ever!

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."
Albert Schweitzer

Happy day!

November 7, 2010


I went to visit Angela's barn the other day and it is looking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget the Festive Nest is this coming weekend--the barn will be full to the brim!!!

Hope to see you there!

November 1, 2010


Doesn't time just pass too quickly???!!????  Already November!!!!!
This is a little birdie all glittered and ready for the Festive Nest Event on November 13 & 14.

You will find white painted furniture, vintage goods, Christmas & home decor,
antique silver, jewelry and jams.

632 192nd Street,
South Surrey, BC (access off 8th Avenue)
November 13th &14th

October 27, 2010


Happy White on earth did it get to be Wednesday already????
My friend Tracey, from Raggygirl Vintage is a very talented sewer...she made me this gorgeous pillow this past combines my two favorite things.....WHITE AND RUFFLES!!!!!
Tracey sells her sewing creations on an Etsy'll find the link on her blog.

Please visit Kathleen at Faded Charm Cottage for links to all the White Wednesday participants.
Happy day!

October 25, 2010


It's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas in downtown Langley at The Passionate Home.  Carrie and her elves have been busy decorating the store the last two days and it looks amazing!!!!
 These are some burlap stockings I made for the store.
Please join Carrie and her super elves, Elinor and Angela for a Christmas open house at The Passionate Home on Friday November 5 from 6-8pm.

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, 
everything is softer and more beautiful.  ~Norman Vincent Peale

October 24, 2010


These are some little Christmas star ornaments I have been working on.  They are made from the pages of vintage books.

 Wish I could take the credit for coming up with this cute idea, but I saw something similar to it on Etsy by Paper Eclectiques Deux.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Happy day!

October 21, 2010


What gorgeous fall days we are having here on the West Coast.......
I have been dreaming of the simple days of summer this week so thought I would share some pictures I took at the lake this past summer.

Hoping that you are all having a great week.

"It isn't the problems along the way that make or break us.  It is how we learn to stand and face them that makes a difference."  Author Unkown

October 18, 2010


"The Festive Nest" is a wonderful Christmas event hosted by the amazingly talented Angela of La La's Land.  I first came upon Angela many years ago when she owned and operated one of the most beautiful stores I have ever shopped in called Roseberry Topping.

The Festive Nest sale will be held in a barn on Angela's property in South Surrey, BC.  Angela will have the barn styled BEYOND GORGEOUS incorporating goods from six vendors.

I am excited and humbled to be a part of this event.  We would love for you to come out and support us if you are in the area!!!
Happy day!

Use the talents you possess-for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang
except for the best. -Henry Van Dyke

October 16, 2010


Sissie at Sissie's Shabby Cottage  inspired me to make these burlap table runners this past spring.  She is an amazing, on the other hand..... KIND OF.....SOMETIMES...... likes to sew with my rudimentary knowledge of it.
Last night I stayed awake in bed almost the entire night dreaming of making some gorgeous RUFFLED BURLAP I attempted to execute my idea...hours later (and a very sore back) I've decided that I don't think I REALLY LIKE SEWING????!!!!!!----LOL!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

"IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN. Don't give up too easily; persistence pays off in the end."  Author Unknown 

October 14, 2010


I have been wanting to make a paper wreath for awhile now and I found an amazing tutorial on Living with Lindsay's blog....(thanks so much Lindsay--it is a great tutorial!).
I made my paper wreath from a vintage (1930s) french textbook that I found at the thrift store.  
Because I am making these wreaths up for Christmas I randomly added glitter to some of the page edges.  There is an amazing double sided tape you can buy at craft simply apply one side to your edge and dip the other side in glitter...this gives an uniform and even look to your glittered pages.

I am so excited to be participating in a Vintage Christmas barn sale this year along with some very talented women.....Angela from La, La's Land, Heather from A Day in the Country, Noelle from Hopscotch-Goods for your Home, Jill from Castaways and Lily from Fleur de Lily.  
I will keep you posted!
Happy day!