
November 19, 2010


Well, I am in full Christmas mode now!!!!  We even got a little dusting of snow last night with ?more on its way today (we are hoping!!).  The boys have their skiis out and are ready to go!!!!
I have always loved vintage bottle brush trees, but have NEVER been able to find any......
Last year I noticed tutorials all over blogland for bleaching trees....this is my version of those projects.
Displayed in little embellished pieces found at the thrift store they are an adorable addition to your Christmas decor.
Have a great day my blogging friends!


  1. Love those! And they look wonderful in those containers....

    ~ Violet

  2. Janis
    Those are absolutely beautiful. Only you could take something so small and turn it into amazing. Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for such a terrific share on your post.


  3. I love how the trees look in the embellished silver trophy cups! So pretty! I have been wanting to try to bleach some trees myself. I love the sanctuary sign with the birds, too!

  4. Wow, those are so pretty! I never would have thought a bottle brush could be re-purposed so well!

  5. Hi Janis, your bleached ones are pretty!... I am very fortunate to have a number of vintage ones, some from my childhood, others as gifts from family and friends... just posted a couple...and put links to my last years posts for Vintage Christmas Monday blog party on my sidebar... will be posting many more, hope you can drop in for a visit!... your posts are always so pretty!... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. I love them as well.I remember then when I was little too.I love the white ones.Lucky you, you have some snow.I cant wait.Hoping for it for Christmas.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. ...that's it ~ I'm off to the thrift store so that I may try and duplicate something like these as I simply ADORE them!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!!
    xo, Rosemary

  8. Just gorgeous Janis...I'll bet your home is decked out vintage holiday style!

  9. HEY! Im your newest follower! Im new to blogging and JUST found you! SOOO glad i did! Im in LOOOOVE with your site! DROOLING at everything! I have an interior design business and doing 14 days of christmas trees now and would BEYOND LOVE and appreciate if you would come visit! PLUS i have a GREAT GIVEAWAY!

    *ENTER CUSTOM FLORAL Give-Away Here *


  10. Great find! What a good idea-one little "brush" in each little urn. Love it- Diana

  11. The trees are adorable in the loving cup trophies. Beautiful!

  12. Me neither- But love how yours are displayed.. JUST love them..
    I will have to try that..Love the embellishment.

  13. I love bottle brush trees and your look fabulous!


  14. I love white and silver together and these just make me happy!
    Love the bling on the trophy!

  15. Hi Janis!

    I just adore bottle brush trees and have stumbled upon an antique store that sells them!
    I love the way you have displayed them!
    Pamela xo

  16. Love them!!! I can't wait to purchase some from you at our next sale!

  17. The trees look amazing in the trophy cups!! I love vintage bottle brush trees.Looks beautiful.


  18. I have never seen bottle brush trees and I have never seen those lovely silver cups anywhere, either. I would love some of those.
    It's funny that we should get our first snow on the same day that you got yours in the Vancouver area. I had heard on CBC that you were meant to get it, but on friday my granddaughter from across the line called me and very excitedly told me that it was snowing! How fun for all of you, I hope you got to get out there and enjoy it!
    Hugs, cindy

  19. I Love bottle brush trees and have collected them for a couple of years now! My favorite by far are the white or "tea dyed" looking ones! Your display is beautiful......
    Cathy aka GGJ

  20. I found those tutorials last year too and was so excited to make white trees, I made a bunch, put them in everything and had left overs! I recently found them in my stash of Christmas supplies and started going through the shelves and cupboards for new containers! Yours are beautiful as always! Thank you for your sweet comment, it made my day! Theresa xoxo

  21. I love your version in silver! I also love the vintage bottle brush trees and can't find any. Hopefully, I can get some soon!
    ~ Julie

  22. Congrats. on making the list of best flea blogs.Thats how I found you.You have a pretty blog site and I enjoyed my visit with you.I am now a new follower,visit me any time you wish. Denise

  23. ...WHAT did I miss these tutorials??....your trees look stunning..i guess i will have to google up some classes on how to make these!

  24. These are fabulous. I didn't know you can bleach them. Hum? Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Liz

  25. If you've had snow, all is well! I do wish it would snow in Texas or at least my part of Texas. It all looks so pretty. Happy Thanksgiving week to you.

  26. Oh Janis, these little babies are quite perfect....I will display the wee treasures that I picked up at your beautiful sale.
    My tree arrives TODAY...YIPPEEEEEEE! ...time to pull out the bobbles and have a bit of FUN. Stay warm...xoxox...Rosie

  27. These are just wonderful!!! Love the bling!

  28. Eek! Janis I love these! And they look great in your me thinking...sure do wish I could go to your barn sale!
