
July 18, 2010


When my 3rd son was born one of the nurses at the hospital said, "Oh......POOR YOU!!!..ANOTHER BOY!!" (being a nurse myself I am embarassed to share that with you!)!! I knew at the time she was wrong and 13years later I can tell you that I have never forgotten her comment and I wish many a time that I could tell her that my three boys have been a complete and utter blessing to me.  They are kind, caring, helpful, considerate, thoughtful, and full of fun!!!
The only really challenging thing about having three boys is finding someone to pose for me when I get an idea for a picture............he,he,he........................THIS was a money shot..meaning I had to pay someone a lot of money to put the skirt on so I could "just take some leg and feet pictures"!!!!  Well...couldn't resist this shot as well...the person for confidentiality reasons MUST remain nameless.
Happy day!!"

"There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the
love between a mother and a son." Author: Unknown



  1. I had to show this to my youngest son. I have boys and they are asked to do certain things they would rather not do. I showed him this and told him his life could be worse!
    Thank you so much for the post. Whatever you had to pay him was well worth it. Love the bucket on the head!
    Tell that young man that I said he rocks!

  2. I am loving this post, it's just awesome! I am chucking my head off, it is just way too cute! Yes, your son rocks!

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Your post is adorable. I love the bucket over his head. He's definitely incognito.

    Very sweet.


  4. That is soooo funny ! I want a petticoat shot too ~ maybe I could get my hubby to do it ~ I am not sure the hairy legs would work though !


  5. Gotta love those boys... I can't imagine that anyone would say that to anyone... What a complete blessing... This is proof.... Your son does rock!!!!!!

  6. I have 1 girl and 2 boys and I have had more laughs watching my boys with their daredevil antics, the comradre they have shared, the silliness of when they wore their sisters clothes to do an impersonation of her(and she them), and even when they would exasperate me. I have LOVED every minute of all of them!How great is that son to do something for his mom because he really loves her! RIGHT ON!!!!

  7. What a stinky thing for that nurse to say! I have 3 boys also and I wouldn't have it any other way!!! So funny with the bucket on his head. What a sweetie to do that (even if you did have to pay him!) :)

  8. HILARIOUS!!! That picture is the true meaning of a boys love for his mother! I have 3 boys and 2 girls and they each bring me joy and love in all different ways, I know just like you, I wouldn't trade any of them in... Love this post! Theresa

  9. Oh Janis,
    This photo is delightful!! I have 2 boys and I absolutely adore them!! They are so much fun and boys always adore their momma! I wonder if I could ever get my 6 year old to put on a skit? I would probably have to buy him 10 transformers since he doesn't quit get the cash thing yet.
    I just wanted to tell you how much your lovely comment on my blog meant to me. It truly lifted my spirits!! Thank you so much for your kindness!
    Have a great day.

  10. I'm a mum to 2 boys and wouldn't have it any other way...I think your son looks adorable and my eldest son would've done it for the $$$$$ as well..Have a nice day.

  11. Hi Janis,
    My daughter also has 3 boys. I love the quote "There is a special place in heaven for the mother of 3 boys"
    Great idea, adding quotes to your post. I am a quote junkie, I think I might add some to my posts as well.

  12. So funny...I bet you owe him big time! He's a good sport!

  13. Oh Janis this is hilarious!!! You are so cute!
    You are so right about mothering boys, what a joy they are!

  14. LOVE IT!!!!,my son just turned 15 and i could see him helping me in same way-(not that -that is your boy). But for money-bribery- of some sort. And every penny worth it..
    I agree, nothing like a mother-son connection.Love my girls-but something different with a son...
    Love your picture...

  15. Please tell your son, he is not the only one...I have used my son's hands and (headless) body for many an Ebay picture! Didn't think to give him a cut of the profits!

  16. Hi Janis,

    It was lovely to discover your blog and many thanks for visiting mine.
    How tactless for the nurse to say that.
    I love the cute photo and it is so neat when kids are able to help us out.

    Happy week

  17. Janis
    My boys are blessings as well and I have made them do a few things like this. Great post and photo. The bucket on the head was the best.


  18. I have a house full of boys, not counting hubby. But I was blessed with one girl---the oldest. I LOVED raising my boys. But when my girl was born---I heard "pay backs are !@&! Lol. Great post. Love that pic! Xo

  19. Oh, my gosh! lol! That is so sweet and funny. What a sport! I, too, am the mother of boys...and that was just meant to be, because we are raising our boys to be wonderful men!

  20. Nice to hear from you!!!!
    What a nice post Janis !!!! I can imagine who is into the bucket! Lovely photo! And you are right...children are always a blessing!
    Happy new week!

  21. Funny post, I love the photo.
    That silly nurse should be wearing that bucket on her head permanetly.
    Congratulations with your three sons.
    What blessings God has given you. sandi

  22. Janis, For a shot like this one, I would have had to pay my boy child some cash too! Funny! I have two boys myself (no daughters) and can't imagine things anyway else! They are so easy to raise and love their momma!

    I had a gal tell me after my 2nd son was born that her life didn't feel "complete" until she had a daughter! (Good Lord). I may not be a "complete" person, but I can't blame it on not having a girl! ha!

    Happy Day,

  23. LOL love it!! just love it! thanks for stopping by my blog, so glad to know another mom to 3 boys! Following you back!

  24. This is the perfect black mail piture!!!! LOL!!!! Priceless!!!!

  25. Very cute photo. I have the Opposite situation...4 girls and no boys. Everyone says boys are lots easier but I guess I'll never know!

    Second Hand Chicks

  26. What a cute post Janis and what a sweetie for helping out his mom. Just adorable. Have a wonderful new week my dear friend.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  27. Oh my what a cute funny adorable post! Thanks for the smile and share!

    Renee ♥

  28. This is hilarious!!!
    At first I thought you had gotten one of your boys to take the shot of that I know the whole story....even BETTER!!!


  29. Ohhhhhhhhhh your blog, I JUST LOVE 'RUST & RUFFLES'!!

    Thanx for your comment & your visit on my blog, now I will take a long look in your cyberhome!!


  30. Ha Ha Ha Ha...I had three boys, then a girl, and another boy...What a great son you have, I don't know if I have enough money to pay for a pose like that, just love it, bucket and all...Lezlee

  31. I have a similar photo of my brother and I playing 'dress up'. He looked so pretty in his green frock! Thanks for stopping in to say hi!
    Lisa of Lisa's Little House

  32. Oh Janis, this is such a fun and delightful post. Just love what you wrote as well as the great photo. What a blessing our children are. You're obviously a great Mom!
    Blessings to you...

  33. I think I know just the shot you were going for, and I too, would have paid BIG money for a GOOD model...Oh Janis this is so funny...thanks for the S*M*I*L*E* Rosie

  34. Soooo cute...a money shot..I have offered my girls money in the past too..really my girls do like to humor me but sometimes they are just not in the mood.
    Oh I have no boys but always wanted are blessed!

    Thank you for visiting me...your blog is lovely. oxoxo

  35. That's fantastic! You've given me a great idea for the next time I have my 3 nephews over!
    By the way, I love the way you spell your name ;)
    Bye from Vancouver!

  36. Hilarious!! What an awesome picture and fun memory. I could just kiss your sweet son for doing this. (even though you had to pay him) I have one of each and let me tell ya, so far.... the prince is much easier than the princess. :)


  37. Boys are the of two! So happy to hear from you again - sorry I've been lost in summer...well kinda, will be returning to MD Monday, Jennifer of jennsthreegraces Hugs and this post touched my heart

  38. I am glad you told me to read your story... I get that nonsense ALL THE TIME! Don't you want a girl?, Are you trying for a 4th? , Maybe the next one will be a girl! Are people crazy??? Where did I miss the law that said every woman must bear a girl? Let it be known... I do not want a GIRL! I love my THREE SONS and tell everyone just that when they ask their stupid, selfish questions!!!! I truly, am a boy mom!!!!!

  39. I love that shot of your son. I never would have guessed there was a boy under that bucket -- thanks for sharing. You made me laugh! Diane

  40. omigosh...I LOVE this post! So adorable. You'll have to show his wife someday. :o) We have THIS in common...I also have three sons (no daughters)and two more young men that we are legal guardians of. You are right about the love between a mother and her sons. I think with all that testosterone flowing around my house is what made me finally start to decorate in whites and feminine style. I needed a visual escape. LOL

  41. LOL...I love this! And know the problem well. Just the other day I wanted to try an experimental dress I was working on to see how it looked and there are no girls around here at all. I thought about calling my closet neighbor (1/2 mile) to see if her 4 yr. old son would do it...I didn't. LOVE your photo!!

  42. I could be the author of that last comment on this post. I have enjoyed my 3 sons so much. It's different now that they are married, but, oh, the memories and the days of their youth. My life has been soooo thrilled. You are soooo blessed.

    What is the kind and color of the spray paint you used on you candalobra?

  43. Hilarious!

    Trisha Evans
    A Vintage White

  44. OH no you didn't!

    Love all the tulle and crystals.
