
April 1, 2010


Don't you just love how kids look at life?

....back in December I was notified by the Editor of Somerset Life that some of my artwork would be featured in the April 2010 magazine.  I have been eagerly awaiting the issue ever since and knowing that it was already available in the States and not in Canada my husband and I loaded the kids in the
car and drove down to Seattle to get a copy!!!

It was with great anticipation that I ran into a store shouting at my husband and kids to wait in the car.  Standing in line waiting to pay I quickly perused through the magazine only to find that

I plastered a smile on my face and dejectedly walked back out to the car.  You should have seen the looks of eager anticipation and excitement on the faces of the four precious souls waiting for me in that car!!  With great disappointment I told them that I wasn't in the magazine.  After the initial exclamations of "what?", "why?", "are you sure?", my youngest son said,
"Don't worry mommy it's probably just an APRIL FOOL'S DAY JOKE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What could I do, but laugh?!!

Oh...and if you haven't yet bought your copy of the April Somerset Life, you really must!!!  It is outstanding and gorgeous in every way!

Oh....and don't feel too bad for me.... I got to go shopping at ANTHROPOLOGIE, and I had a great day with my husband and boys!
Happy day!


  1. Hi Janis, I'm so sorry for you! This had for sure been very disappointing! I'm glad you still could laugh though and got the chance to shop at Anthropologie! Will you show us what you got there?
    Happy Easter!

  2. Well, what happened! I'm so sorry, but kids are the Best pick me ups ever, aren't they?
    Happy Easter,Lezlee

  3. OMG Jannis. Of course this is a disappointment but God bless those sweet babies who can rationalize life better then adults at times. Of course, this is an April 1st gag and a good one. Makes perfect sense to me. Sea Witch

  4. Oh I am so sorry for you. They could have informed you about the change of plans though. Or - maybe it will come in another issue? You never know!

  5. Bonjour Janis,
    No worries about this, I'm sure you'll beautiful work will be featured another time. The best party of all was you got to spend a wondeful day with your family.
    Happy Easter,

  6. HUGS - HUGS - HUGS! There is nothing I can say that is better than a warm hug. I got my copy yesterday afternoon in the mail. I looked twice and could not believe that you were not in there! I am sure it will be in a later issue.

  7. Oh, I'm so disappointed for you (even though you told me not to be). Maybe it'll happen next issue, and I'm glad you had a nice day with the fam. I'm just glad that you weren't cancelling your trip to MN -- your title post scared me.

  8. Well that's not very nice of them!
    I'm glad you were able to make good use of your day with your family...sounds like you all had fun.
    I'm just glad you have such a beautiful blog so I can view your work anytime!

  9. oh my...i would have been so very disppointed as well! to anticipate your own work in a publication like somerset life! i'm sorry for your letdown but kids really do have a way of always looking for that "silver lining." we can all learn so much from them! I am happy you enjoyed your family outing and a trip to anthropologie is ALWAYS worthwhile!

  10. You were very gracious in your post, still encouraging us to go out and buy the April issue, yes very gracious and professional. Deep down I know how you must feel. Even as adults we can still be disappointed but as adults we can't show it. I am sending a kind thought your way and hope it helps. There is always the next issue, right?

  11. Oh I am sorry. I would be disappointed also. I think I would try and contact them and find out if it will be in another issue...Good luck.

  12. Their loss for sure Janis, they must be saving the best for a special issue...
    Still we are the lucky ones who get to see your amazing creations on your blog posts!

  13. Janis I think it is wonderful that you are able to think of this in a positive way and still have a good day out with the family. I hope that you are featured in the next issue. I just picked up my copy yesterday, but haven't been able to look at it yet.
    Have a wonderful Easter with your boys.

  14. janis,
    despite the disappointment, i have had the pleasure of getting to know you and your awesome creations. so glad that you turned a lemon into lemonade AND had a chance to shop at anthropologie! have a wonderful easter celebration with your sweet family.
    judi ;)

  15. Oh so sorry! But look on the bright side, you raised an adorable little optimist ;)

  16. So sorry this happened to you, I have heard of this sort of thing before in the last edits. Hopefully it will be in another issue soon! Just love your child's sweet response, they are so loving and funny! I am glad you could have a nice day with your family, too!

  17. So sorry to hear this Janis, but I absolutely love your son's response! Kids love their mamas! Hoping to hear that your artwork will be in another issue.

  18. Oh Janis I am so sorry! They put out a lot of magazines... are you sure it wasn't in another title? BUT your kids are so sweet!! Thank God for our children!!

  19. Janis-
    Sad to hear about this, and I totally get how dissapointed it was for you to not be in there. I would bet that it will happen in another time yet to come though. Love your sons optimistic way he looked at this, and that you were able to have a great day with your hubby and boys in spite of the plans not going as planned.
    Anthropologie is always a fun place to shop. Emily and I were there this week too, as I'm suppose to be designing some jewelry to go with their clothes for the fashion show in May. Should be fun! Can't wait to meet you. Are you and your dh coming? Happy Easter and many blessings to you my dear friend.

  20. Oh friend!!! That just sucks, but what the kids said is delicious!!Lovely blog friend, so glad I found you! Hope you have a Happy Easter Weekend.

  21. Oh Janis~~Sorry:(

    Maybe you are going to be in the next issue?
    Make sure and email to ask~~

    Love anthro!!eeekk! Hope you had fun:)

    Easter Blessings to you,
    Kay Ellen

  22. Hi Janis,
    What a great story...leave it to kids to help you laugh about it.
    Happy Easter ox

  23. Janis, I just hate that for you! But thank goodness for wonderful children and their great spirit.
    You are one talented lady so it will come when you least expect it!
    I so wish I was going to go to MN. Just not possible this go round. Soak up all the fun!
    smiles, alice

  24. Out of the mouths of babes! :) I'm sorry for your disappointment but as talented as you are ~ I wouldn't sweat it. Sounds like you had a great family day and got your shopping fix anyway! Good for you.


  25. Sorry for your disappointment. I had a small snippet of my home in a magazine about five years ago with a promise of a bigger spread to come out shortly. Haven't seen anything yet. It was a lot of work for little reward. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I've been enjoying photos from blos so much more that magazines lately.

    Enjoy your week.


  26. It's too bad sometimes that we (adults) can't see life like kids.
    What a wonderful, sweet story...thanks for sharing!
    Sorry about your dissappointment.

  27. All I can say is, "What a sweetheart."

  28. So sorry about your disappointment, but isn't is just lovely that no matter what your little man could make you laugh, so sweet :-) I have 3 boys so can totally relate!
