
March 4, 2013


Well...first of all I have to tell you how HAPPY I am because
it feels like spring is springing here on the West Coast..!!!
Lots of exciting vintage markets coming up in the Lower
Mainland...what's that saying..."it never rains, but it pours"?!  I've updated my LOCAL
VINTAGE MARKETS page so you can get ALL the details there.
Not sure at this point if RUST: Vintage Inspired Design will be participating
in any of them (markets are sooo much work and time is something I never seem
to have enough of!)...whatever the case... I know all these markets will
definitely be worth a visit!!!
Happy (sunny) day!
PS..Isn't this a pretty piece of lace (an old curtain actually) that I framed in
a thrift store embroidery hoop?  I used some bakers twine and
vintage music paper to make the miniature banner.


  1. That is SO cute! I love that sweet little miniature banner that you placed across the lace- xo Diana

  2. Are you a mind reader? I was just going to email you to find out about the spring markets. Can't wait for the first one. Have you any info about Maple Ridge this spring?

  3. That mini banner is darling and such pretty lace. I love to search for vintage laces in thrift shops.
