
March 22, 2013

GREEK BLUE LOVE by Rust: Vintage Inspired Design

WOW....I am loving this vibrant "greek blue" from
Annie Sloan's line of chalk paint.
 It looks stunning mixed with whites, yellows and greens so fits right in to my home decor....
 Have to go buy an entire quart of it here so I can paint more!
(I only purchased the sample pot which was enough to paint
three frames and the table you see part of in the picture below).
 Happy day!

March 15, 2013

NO-SEW BURLAP RUNNERS by Rust: Vintage Inspired Design

I've been working on some easy no-sew burlap runners for the spring
and am loving how they are turning out....
 These no-sew runners are perfect to embellish with bits and pieces of
old lace and STUFF.
 Another excuse to go shopping for some more vintage linens!
 My little owl friend was a fabulous thrift store find (he's actually
a money bank).
 Well, lets hope for some sunny days/hours/minutes this weekend.
Happy day!

“Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness.
Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret,
how to acquire without meanness.”
George Sand

March 12, 2013


Another inexpensive wedding centerpiece made from
vintage sheet music and other thrift store finds.

A little RUST is a MUST!!! 

Happy day!

March 10, 2013


Time for another burlap and doily post....
I ripped off the old tattered fabric from a thrift store lamp shade
and wrapped the wire frame (very tightly) with burlap,
which I then glued on.

 The doilies and hand made felt flowers were then hand
sewn on....
The lamp base itself is a vintage
crystal decanter that was easily turned in to a lamp with the addition of
a lamp kit made for bottles.

 Happy day!


It was "doily heaven" at the thrift store more to come!

March 4, 2013


Well...first of all I have to tell you how HAPPY I am because
it feels like spring is springing here on the West Coast..!!!
Lots of exciting vintage markets coming up in the Lower
Mainland...what's that saying..."it never rains, but it pours"?!  I've updated my LOCAL
VINTAGE MARKETS page so you can get ALL the details there.
Not sure at this point if RUST: Vintage Inspired Design will be participating
in any of them (markets are sooo much work and time is something I never seem
to have enough of!)...whatever the case... I know all these markets will
definitely be worth a visit!!!
Happy (sunny) day!
PS..Isn't this a pretty piece of lace (an old curtain actually) that I framed in
a thrift store embroidery hoop?  I used some bakers twine and
vintage music paper to make the miniature banner.