
March 10, 2010


I was recently thinking how interesting life can be.................for years I was embarassed about my love
of junk and crafting and there were not many people in my life that "got me"!!!!!  I will always be
thankful to my parents and grandmothers for nurturing my love of old things, as well as my love of crafting.  In all honesty, I spent many weekends knitting and crocheting with my grandmas and sorting through their treasures when I was a teenager, rather than persuing an active social life like many of my friends! 
For the last two years I have been a contributor on the junkmarketstyle site which
was created by the amazing Sue Whitney, author, enterpreneur and junk master!!!!  The JMS site has
brought an amazing number of new friends into my life who inspire and motivate me daily.  I will be travelling to Minnesota this spring to meet (for the first time) many of these wonderful friends.  I am excited beyond words.......!!!!  The only problem with my junkmarket friends
is that they live just a little tooooo far away!  How I have longed for some junking friends in my own city!
Well, how excited am I to recently meet not one, but two new junking friends who actually live near me!!!!!
I spent a day last week thrifting with my new friend Tracey of raggygirlvintage who has just started up her blog, and I will be at long last meeting my friend Pamela of ladypamelascottage this Friday!!!
 .  Please visit Tracey and Pamela when you have a chance.
Happy day!


  1. Hello Janis... I know how you feel! I don't have any junking friends close by either... my sister is not into the same style as I am, her home is a beautiful Southwestern style... so I usually "Junk" alone... I am happy to hear about Sue Whitney... I wondered what had become of her after she and Ki quit working togehter... I will check out her site... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. How fun to actually play with your bloggy friends... I have a couple who I can play with and one that is long distance who I look forward to playing with soon... Isn't blogland fun?!?!

  3. Oh what fun to find a fellow.... um.. enthusiast. Have a blast!

  4. Hello Janis--Lucky you that you got to meet some nearby blog friends! I haven't yet met any Wisconsin bloggers...but I'm looking!! Have fun! Junkinjulie

  5. Thanks Janis, you are such a sweetheart, as well as immensely talented and creatively inspiring. Look forward to lots of junking, wish there were more hours in the day...

  6. I love to junk~ I take my hubby and kiddos with me but it would be nice to have a girlfriend or two. I am glad I am not alone loving JUNK! One thing about decorating with Junk-no one else had exactly the same thing!

    Have a blast with your new friends,

  7. So great to hear, Janis! I hadn't heard that you were making it to Minneapolis! Yippeee! Can't wait to finally meet you!

    And how fun it is to meet up with new local friends that you have things in common with! Enjoy yourself!

  8. Hi Janis,
    I am fortunate to have a few junkin buddies nearby. Maybe it's because I am such a junker and always looking for something to repurpose for my booth.
    I wondered about Sue as well. I remember the publications that she and Ki did together.
    Anway, have fun with your friends.

    Oh, and by the way, everything you touch turns out lovely.


  9. Oh, my! Oh, my! Do you mean it? Are you for sure coming to Minnesota, all the way from CANADA? I am beyond excited girl. Let me know what I can do to help you out. If you need a pickup from the airport, or whatever. Yes! We finally get to meet. ;-) This news just made my week...

  10. Hey Janis,
    I 'get' you! I know exactly what you mean. Until I discovered blogging, & made new friends online & in person, I was alone in my love of all things rusty & old. My friends & family loved me, but did not understand how anyone could spend hours on Saturday going from one garage sale to another. And taking something off a curb, OMG, let's just say they thought I needed medical intervention. I love to look at your blog & see how you work your magic on what some would consider trash! I'm so excited for your upcoming trip, how much fun will that be! Lisa

  11. So glad you found some junking buddies! I had one once but we both liked the same stuff and she felt like we were competing so she wouldn't shop with me anymore. Made me sad. glad you don't feel alone anymore and I am so excited that you get to go to Minn. for the big JMS event ~ wish I could be there!

  12. Lucky Janis! I'd like to meet you and all your friends too! I did the same when I was a child...I loved spending time with my grandmother hunting in old trunks and cupboard for old family memories!
    Enjoy your exciting week end!

  13. What a wonderful group you are involved with and how amazing that you will get to take that trip this spring. I know you'll have a fabulous time! But it's always nice to have friends close by to share in the fun of junkin'!

  14. Hello Janis
    Lady Pamela is one of our Hoo group. I know you will love her as we do. She has introduced me to so many fun things. You are one of them. My dear Friend took me to Passionate Home & I now posses the sweetest black cake stand with glass top & Jewel & Believe written on it. I do love to look at it. My DD & Dil & friends who are Not into Repurpose Junk( Cherished Antiques) all want one too. I also have a JOY it is my Granddaughters name & I use it for decorating .. always.
    Lady Pamela is one of the very nicest Cherished Antiques you will find.

  15. I recently made my first local junkin' buddy! It'[s so much more fun having a partner in crime, isn't it?

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  16. you are so lucky as i too have not junking sad...:(
    maybe someone should start a matching service for junk friends........haha

    i'm in pittsburgh.....if anyone is near...

  17. That is very exciting. You will have a wonderful time!!
    I love junk too!!

  18. When I would scrounge around friends would say "ewww, whar are you going to do with THAT!" now they watch the hottest show about "pickers" on tv! I've always had friends and clients call me a buyer though - I'm proud of you - follow your junk dreams girl!!! Jennifer
