
December 9, 2009


Believe it or not about a year and a half ago I didn't even know what a blog was!!!!! 
 I am blessed to have many fellow junkers in my life that I know through the spectacular junkmarket style site........and one of my buddies, Gretchen of Mimitorias designs was the person who introduced me to blog land.
Gretchen sent me the link to Karlascottage.  Karla's blog was one of the first blogs I ever visited and
 I was blown away by all her gorgeous creations.  
 I fell in love with the beautiful crowns she handmakes from old gutter screen  AND so wanted one of them. I contacted Karla, but she was very busy at the time getting ready for Silver Bella and had no crowns in stock.
So sad was I and sooo obsessed with her crowns that that was what I was thinking about the day I spotted some ugly brass basket thingys in a thrift store.  

  WHOA----I thought-----there are my crowns!!!!
I made a crown template from some paper, then laid it over the ugly thingys and cut away.
I then spray painted, added sparkles, ribbon and vintage jewelry.

I so love my crowns and I thank Karla for the wonderful inspiration she provides on her gorgeous blog.

These are the ugly brass thingys in their glory prior to the wire cutters getting hold of them.
Happy thrifting my blogland buddies.


  1. Oh my goodness, your crowns are wonderful. I love, love, love them and it's hard to believe they were crafted from such ugly thingees.

  2. they are gorgeous!!!!! wow...I know what you mean, I remember when someone told me "you should get a blog" I was "what is that" lol

  3. They turned out wonderfully! (and Carol, of Raised in Cotton, is where I got the ideas from).

  4. You are a very creative soul. Love the crowns and the banner in your last post.

  5. Oooh I want one! Those are beautiful, I have a thing for crowns too! (I am a self~appointed princess you know!)... You are so talented Janis! Bisous... Julie Marie

  6. WOW Janis, these are so great! I just LOVE how you embellished them with the bling!

  7. Looks like you've been by "V.V.Boutique" While Dad is at Physio, I seem to find myself there at least once a week.

  8. I love the crowns!!! a lot...Have a wonderful, creative day! Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  9. Where are you ever able to find all the gorgeous baubles at reasonable prices? They make the project - it creates "the look" Jennifer

  10. Oh my gosh ~ I see those ugly things all the time and NEVER once envisioned a crown. I'm just in awe of your mind Janis ~ really ~ if I ever met you I would be a total crying groupie! I will look at all things "screen" differently now. I see crowns for my candles in my future!


  11. I think your crowns are just fabulous! And I'm right there with ya, this time last year, I had zero intention of starting a blog either...just look at us now, huh? :-)


  12. Hey lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog(s).

    I wanted to tell you I went with the Cricut Expression. I needed easy.. and from what I hear... it is just that. Also with the SCAL (Sure Cuts A Lot)it will be able to do what wishblade does....

    Now this is only theory for me as I haven't opened it yet... sort of an impulse buy as well... but I will tell you this... I got it after you stated you used Wishblade in your designs... SO thanks, I have been debating for quite some time and your inspirations were just what I needed.

    I will post how I do, as I use it.

    Later lady!

    That girl,

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  15. Thanks for the comment! I love the crowns! Too much junk, too little time..haha...

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