
October 2, 2009


Hello my blogging friends.  It has been such a busy and somewhat trying week here that I missed posting for White Wednesday as well as Thriftday.........oh well, I know you all understand that we do what we can!!!  I have missed visiting all my favorite blogs this week, as well, so look forward to some catch up time.
Here is a look at some blacks, whites and oranges that I did a bit of decorating with this afternoon.

I made a little wreath out of some Chinese Lanterns I have growing in my backyard.  I simply strung some of the sweet orange lanterns on a piece of wire and then fashioned it into a circle.

I love white pumpkins and make my own by spray painting orange ones with white spray paint.
I made a stencil out of a paper doily and painted around the top of this one.

These round silver coasters were in a bag of silverplated cutlery I bought at the thrift store.
At first I was just planning to get rid of them as it was really the cutlery I wanted......then it came to me...... they would be perfect to create a fun little swag with.

Hope you all have enjoyed these black, white and orange images.  I thank you all once again from the bottom of my heart for all your encouraging words.

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it
back to you when you have forgotten the words."

-Author Unknown



  1. Hi Janis,
    I love your black and white and orange post. And the coaster swag is such a awesome idea...I just might have to copy it. :-D How do you come up with these great ideas? Have a great weekend.


  2. Beautiful ideas as always Janis! LOVE the coaster idea especially!

  3. Hello Janis, I love everything! Especially the Chinese Lanterns, oh and the coasters! What a great idea! Bisous... Julie Marie

  4. The Chinese Lantern wreath is gorgeous! They are so delicate, and the color is amazing.

    Love your fresh&fun ideas!

  5. Oh my! Your post inspires me to get right out of my PJ's and working on decorating for fall! Your ideas are FABULOUS! So glad I discovered your blog recently....


  6. Janis, I love all the black and white and orange pieces. Your B-O-O swag is really cool, glad you kept the coasters and found a use.
    I really like the black & white look and you've really made work well (and beautifully) for Halloween.
    Midge (feel free to still call me that)

  7. Hello Janis, Love your little coaster garland. I dont know why I can think of these ideas...also your pumpkins...great blog...That little chest of drawers you painted white..then put the writing on..wonderful. Sally

  8. Hi Janis,
    I sure have missed being able to check out everyone's blogs here in the far north.-)
    I will be back home soon.
    I just wanted to ask you where do you find the letters like on the coasters. I have a few of those at home that need to be used. Thanks again for such beautiful inspiration.

  9. Hi, Janis,
    I am always delighted to see what creative project you will tackle next. Using the coasters to make the "boo" banner was such a terrific idea! I also liked how you did your white pumpkins with the doily pattern in black. Thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage for a visit! Hope your weekend is a good one. Vicki

  10. Love this post, Janis! My girls have been asking me when we are getting our Halloween decorations out and your post has really inspired me with ideas! Beautifully done!

  11. I love the painted pmpkins!I am going to have to get busy! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Your ideas just never you even sleep??? I've seen pumpkins painted white but have never wanted to try it til I saw yours!...and those silver trays toooooo cute and clever!

  13. Great ideas! I especially love the pumpkinwith the stencil and letters. Thanks for your sweet comments. I hope you had a great weekend.


  14. Adorable Boo garland...what a great recycling idea!

  15. HUGE AHA moments here ~ NEVER thought about spraying my orange pumpkins white! I just got sad when the white ones were too expensive. Also, I see these little coasters all the time at the thrift store and again NEVER thought about making a garland with them! Awesome ideas that I must immediately copy!!!!

    Love the pop of orange!


  16. Love, love, love your stuff! So very creative!

  17. The white pumpkin is toooo cool girl! And I love the trays too - thanks for great ideas - I've never liked Halloween - love the fall - just not the spooky stuff but this is fun. Jennifer :)

  18. I'm so glad I stopped by for a visit. I love how you decorated the white pumpkins. I'll definitely be back for a return visit. -Jackie

  19. Another fabulous job! Did you use a regular bit to drill the holes in the coasters? That project is fabulous. You are very talented gal! Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. Hello Janis! Such creative ideas you have! I like your white pumpkins and the coaster swag is faboulous! I agree with you...I love junking!
    Till next time!

  21. Janis - I LOVE your black and white (and a touch of orange) holiday ideas! And, I'm definitely gonna spray paint a couple pumpkins! The swag made with the little silver coasters is too sweet for words!

    Have a beautiful day my friend!


  22. Hi Janice! I just found your blog and I think it is wonderful!!! The Silver dish Boo swag is soooo pretty and elegant. I also really liked what you did with with that old cabinet door! I am adding you to my blog roll so I can keep up with all your cute ideas!!!

    My Desert Cottage

  23. Janis I absolutely love you black, white and orange plog. It's my favorite. Now I want to do a swag, I've got to find something. Thanks for joing my followers. I've joined yours (sorry, my picture will not down load on comments). I will also put you on my side bar. You are so cute and I simply must have you for a friend.


  24. Janis I absolutely love you black, white and orange plog. It's my favorite. Now I want to do a swag, I've got to find something. Thanks for joing my followers. I've joined yours (sorry, my picture will not down load on comments). I will also put you on my side bar. You are so cute and I simply must have you for a friend.


  25. I love, love. love your boo garland! how creative!


  26. Nice blog!!! I have looked at your Etsy site also. You are a very busy lady. The address of my store in Snohomish is 1122 First Street and I would love to meet you if you get down this way.. I love your ideas, especially the little banner made out of coasters...too cute!

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