
October 22, 2009

GLASS CLOCHE PROJECTS-from the thrift store,of course!

Well, it's about time for another thrift store junk project.......................don't you think!!??!!
I (like many of you) absolutely love glass cloches, and every time I am at the thrift store I pick up anything that even resembles a cloche.  These are some cloche projects I did this past summer.

Ahhhh,...there is nothing better than embellished junk!  The rhinestone piece hanging off the top of this first cloche is a piece from a broken bracelet.  The wording is courtesy of my beloved xyron cutter, but I also use rub-ons, and if you have a steady hand you could use paints and stencils for your words.

In addition to always picking up any type of glass cloche I also can never resist any silver pieces I come across at the thrift store.

Several years ago I bought these cut glass cloches and they have been awaiting the perfect project at the bottom of some box!!!  I am happy to finally put them to use!

Yes, the house is somewhat overflowing with cloches, but happily they do seem to sell pretty quickly.  I have several cloche projects on the go right now so will show them to you all as I get them finished.
Enjoy your day my blogging friends!


  1. They are beautiful.As said can never get enough of them.You did a wonderful way of creating unique styles for them.Hope all is well.Fun Finds 2 U ,,Chickie

  2. I have also began my hunt for pieces. Love the variety of yours and all your embellishments are charming.
    Thanks for stopping by my rusty garden.
    Thursday Blessings ;-)

  3. Love it all Janis! Wish I had one of those cutters. Maybe I will have to put a bug in Santas ear this year. lol
    I use rub-ons too!

  4. Hello Janis, those are beautiful! I love cloches of all kinds, especially the old garden variety... Bisous... Julie Marie

  5. I love your embellishments on these wonderful treasures. I featured cloches and bell jars on my blog as well.
    Come on over and look.

  6. You and I have a lot in common, I love cloches and vintage silver :) Your project is just wonderful and I love that you took the time to take that first picture outside...fantastic!!!

    :) T

  7. Janis - I really, really like your style. One of my passions are words, words alone, words together, words in a group. I am always so careful about what I say and how I say it. Each word expresses so much. I want that first cloche "Love Deepley". I'll have to keep checking you out to see how I can get it.


  8. Beautiful! I was just in a thrift shop today and only found one measly piece I could use as a cloche..I think it was actually a big candle holder of some sort as there's no knob on top. Works for me :o)

  9. Hello, how beautiful... I´m learning from my blogger friends about cloches and how you make so nice decorations with them, but yours... yours is amazing!!!
    María Cecilia

  10. Janis these are all beautiful. I never thought of words on them before. You are so creative, girl! I LOVE the silver trays that they are sitting on so much!

  11. What beautiful work you did with your cloches, and you've given me an idea too! I never thought to use something like that piece of crystal. So creative!

  12. You have inspired me to collect so many things that I would normally pass up ~ thank you for opening up my world!!!! I have found 1 little glass cloche so far and look forward to many many more. Have a great week-end my friend.


  13. Janis ~ These are so gorgeous - you've thought of so many clever ways to use them and embellish them - I'll definitely use some of your ideas. I have a few cloches but it is my favorite collecting item and I need, really NEED so many more!!! I'm going to go back now and feast on these pictures one more time before I leave you today.

    God bless....

    Cynthia K.

  14. *sigh* Janis, visiting your blog simply refreshes my soul. There is such beauty there. Thank you.
    PS - I have a copy of Where Women Create and Artful Blogging, would you like to have them?

  15. Gorgeous! I never come across anything that even remotely resembles a cloche in my thrift store travels, lucky girl!

  16. Very, very lovely, Janis and I...oh, no!!! You've been BOO'D! The JUNK SOPHISTICATOR is stalking and you are next!! Stop by my blog to see what to do...


  17. Lovely post as always Janis. Your embellishments are so feminie and beautiful on each one of these. Way to go.

  18. These are beautiful. You are so lucky to be able to find them at the flea markets ~ I never see them there!

  19. Oh yes - they are pretty. Have them too - not that I use them for anything - the sole purpose for to own them is because they do look lovely.

  20. Ok, i totally don't own a cloche , but I really want one now !

  21. Gorgeous, as usual!

    I have a Halloween treat for you! Stop by my blog to see what it is.

  22. Your cloches are beautiful
    and the displays are amazing!!! Thank you for always stopping by and leaving such sweet notes!

    Have a great week!

  23. So glad you visited me! I enjoyed getting a chance to visit you! ~Mandy

  24. That is such a great idea ! I am going to go get some rub ons today ~ I love cloches and for some reason cannot have enough of them right now ~ I have not seen the cut glass ones ~ those are all beautiful !

  25. These are wonderful!
    I'm lovin' it here!


    barbara jean
