
September 15, 2009


Welcome to White Wednesday!!!  Today I have decided to post a project that I did with a old lamp I found at the thrift store.

Lamps are very easy to take apart and really all it requires is unscrewing a couple of bolts and screws.  This is a before picture of the lamp.

I took this lamp apart in order to spray paint the brass parts white.  Once the pieces were painted I reassembled the lamp omitting the top socket part and electrical cord .

I spray painted a little silver plate white to match and drilled a hole in its center.  The plate then fit over the threaded rod and is held in place by a washer and nut.  I finished off by adding a little glass knob,  but if you would like to use your lamp for a candle/cake holder omit the knob.

Another easy, peasy project!!!!  Happy day my blogging friends and don't forget to head over to Kathleen's blog for a list of all the other participants in White Wednesday.
Thanks for visiting!!!


  1. Beautiful! I love tutorials. If I ever get good enough at any of this, maybe I'll post one, too, LOL. Since you're in health care too, you know how junking keeps us sane better than anyone, eh? Thanks so much for your comments on my blog about painting furniture. I admit, I didn't prime first. Armed with your most excellent suggestion, I'll be getting Bull's Eye primer. Gracias, and Happy WW!

  2. Hi, Janis,
    I love it! So pretty and thank you for telling us how to make one, too. I always enjoy my visits with you. Thank you also for stopping by Bunny Cottage. Sending many happy thoughts your way. Vicki

  3. Love this idea! I was just thinking the other day about making some old crystal lamps into candleholders. This post came just at the right time! :)

  4. How beautiful! I would love to try one of those... love the little crystals hanging from it... also love your flowers in the background! Bisous... Julie Marie

  5. What a great idea! Do you know how many times I have seen that lamp and thought I don't need another lamp. Well I will look at it a different way next time.
    Have a fun day

  6. This is beautiful...just love it.

  7. What a most charming project. I am in Montreal right now and I was antiquing yesterday, I saw 2 of those little milk glass lamps. I collect milk glass so I thought I should have one. $130.00 the pair.
    I bought $2.00 buttons instead.

    I love your idea though. Thank you


  8. Just beautiful and thanks for the tutorial. I'll have to keep an eye out for an old lamp.


  9. We read Junk and Dreams and had to stop by! LOL!!! Thank you so much for your lovely visit and for sharing your tut...great idea!
    We hope you'll stop by our place on Monday to play Junkin' is right up your alley and we would love to have you!
    Clara & Marcela

  10. I have one of those lamps in my "get rid of pile". *running to retrieve it before I forget*

  11. I have a lamp like that I bought for $5 but thought it was too little to use after I bought it. This is something I might try....thanks for sharing! I also love what you did with the frames and music paper in the prev. post.

    Your just full of great ideas!!!

  12. Lovely...just lovely, my friend!

    Take care!


  13. What a clever idea! It's gorgeous!

    Nice to "meet" you!



  14. Wonderful! I have a lamp almost exactly like that - I will search through my garage to find it. What a great idea and so generous of you to show and explain exactly how to do it. Thanks so much.

    Please stop by my brand-new blog: Beauty and Blessings. I entered my first post several days ago. Would love a comment.

    Cynthia K.

  15. It's me again - I want to learn so many other great things from you so I just signed up as your follower.

    Cynthia K.

  16. I love this WW post. What a cool trick. I love how you made over this lamp. Your blog is lovely.
