
September 6, 2009

What's GREAT about Blogging!!!

I think that one, and I say, one, of the great things about blogging is being able to share pictures of our lives with each other.
These are some pictures I took this summer while relaxing at our cabin.

I always pick up frames at the thrift store and I painted this one white.  I usually play it pretty safe with colors and paint almost everything either black or white.  I am determined to try a robin's egg blue and a teal green sometime before too soon!!!!
The little chicken wire flower holder is something I made one day when I was busy stapling chicken wire to a bunch of old frames.  I will post some chicken wire projects another day.

Again, thank you to all of you who take the time to look at my blog.  I enjoy your comments, as well as visiting each of your blogs.  Isn't blogging just the greatest!!??!!  What do you like best about it??


  1. I love those photos! The gorgeous colors of the flowers and fun mix of the old painted frame and chicken wire. Just stunning!

  2. Great colourful phtots to brighten my Monday. Thanks so much for stopping by Beach Vintage and leaving a comment. xx

  3. I was really afraid to start a blog but now I love it. It is like looking at a magazine. I just love seeing what people are up to and all the images! But I like the interaction we have with each other! I am always looking to see if anyone has left a comment. You got to try the blue! Let us see it when you do. I challange you to do it before Summer is really over!

  4. Hello Janis, how beautiful! And I love your vintage rhinestone brooch in the photographs! I am soo new to blogging, but I believe the thing I love the most is meeting so many wonderful new friends who share my same passions...everyone has been so nice to me, and friendly, and always most willing to share thoughts and ideas and encouragement....That's why I am doing my giveaway!... Bisous... Julie Marie

  5. Yes, those color combinations are stunning. No one does pretty better than you! For me the fun of blogging is the interchange of ideas, but "meeting" all the new people is good, too.

  6. Very pretty photos. I took snapshots awhile ago of and old frame and flowers too. :)
    Love the chicken wire on the vase as well.

  7. Hi Janis, I've just had a lovely visit to your blog. Your photograph's are divine as are your precious treasures.
    I only started blogging awhile ago and I have found it to be very rewarding. New friends are everywhere and the sharing of ideas, new information and old knowledge is fabulous. I also like the fact that we each have a personal space to "show and tell" anyone who is interested, what we love about our lives.
    Kind Regards
    Judith from Australia

  8. Hello, Janis,
    I love what you did with the picture frame and your bouquet is gorgeous. What a great idea to use the chicken wire to form the vase. I enjoyed your pretty blog very much. I am new to blogging, a recently retired schoolteacher, and have fallen in love with all of the nice friends I have made while blogging. Come and see me at Bunny Cottage. Have a happy week. Vicki

  9. hi, thanks for stopping by :) isn't it great how we have the same stuff, but use it differently. i hoard frames to make cupboards out of them :) gio

  10. thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement .. i too love sharing the photos of things around me .. love the blue color of the ribbon -

    thank you for stopping in -


  11. You take beautiful photos. I love the apron photos from a few posts ago.

  12. Hey Janis, I love your posts on Junkmarket Style so much that I wanted to check out your blog ~ was NOT disappointed! Your pictures are as beautiful as your creations! I would love to see Canada some day! Your pictures always make me feel calm and relaxed ~ thanks! Have a great week!

  13. I think that is totally TRUE. The freedom to write and share about your personal preferences, vices etc. is wonderful! Beuatiful images, I love the fuschia color of the flowers.


  14. I love the chicken wire vase. Very clever. I have such a passion for chicken wire. I can't wait for your future post.

  15. It's true planting the frames white is pretty but very safe. I do the same thing. If it works in your space try a bolder color. I am the queen of white and neutrals but have a room of all colors and have a great time experimenting.
    I blog for so many reasons but mostly to escape!!!! and dream!

  16. What marvelous images! I'm so happy to have found your blog.

  17. Your blog is so exquisite! I wish I had half the talent that you have.
    Just beautiful!
