
September 3, 2009

Vintage Apron Collection

Hello my dear blogging friends. Here is a fun little apron photo shoot for you all.

I found this collection of vintage aprons in a box of treasures from one of my grandmothers.
I fell in love with the adorable rick rack trim and hand-stitched embroidery on this apron.
My mom remembers her and her mother sewing these up one year and got such a kick out of this photo shoot that my sister and I decided to do one hot day at the lake.

I've always loved gingham and my mom remembers lots of fun embroidery stitches that were made just for gingham (I'm busy looking through all her old magazines looking for the patterns!!?!!).
Don't you just love all the trim details!!

Hope you all enjoyed my little apron collection. A big thank you to my sister, Lisa, who so patiently posed while I took all these pictures!!!!!
Happy junking and crafting.


  1. I am so glad that you found my blog so I could find yours;)!!!

    I love the quote you have at the top of your of my favorites!!!

    The apron photo shoot is darling...all of the aprons are wonderful!!!

    I enjoyed my visit!!!

  2. Hello Janis... ooh I love your apron collection, and how sweet of your sister to pose in them! And how very precious that they belonged to your grandmother! The lake in the background looks beautiful too...I have several vintage aprons that are gingham too, but not nearly as many as you do... my mom ALWAYS wore an apron... I believe most ladies did back then... I think it is so fun to wear one these days as well... the vintage mirrors we talked about were gone when I went back to the thrift shop... darn! Yours are so beautiful, I will continue searching... Bisous... Julie Marie

  3. Oh what a fabulous treasure box from your grandma! What else was in there? Love the gingham.

  4. Ooo, Janis. These are gorgeous! Your posts are looking mighty lovely too. I can't wait to see what you share on THRIFTday next week.

    Take care,

  5. Janis,
    I love aprons also. I usually have a vintage one on when we have big family & friends get together. Some times I wear pearls like June Clever. The kids get a kick out of that.
    Smiles, alice

  6. What a neat idea to do a photo shoot of your grandmother's aprons. Just beautiful pictures!!

  7. oh my gosh, this is so adorable. i just popped over from pansy cottage & garden and am so happy i did.

