
September 10, 2009


Candy over at had a great idea to feature our thrift finds and what we have done with them on one day of the week.   I have known Candy for almost a year now through the junkmarket style site and she is one very talented and inspiring lady. 
Today I am sharing a find from my trip to a hospital thrift store last Thursday.
I quickly snatched up this galvanized metal thingy when I saw it.  At first I thought it was something from a garden store, but it turns out it was merely a container that held some bath gifts (sticker still at the bottom).  Well, as we junkers already know, it doesn't matter much what it used to be I love it just the way it is.  For now it takes center spot on a shelf in the living room surrounded by some of my french lovelys.

I added this little address using rub on vinyls that I cut with my much loved xyron cutter.  I picked up a bag of this wonderful moss at Pottery Barn.  The necklace is a piece of my own jewelry that I thought looked charming hanging off the top.

Have I EVER mentioned just how much I love THRIFT SHOPPING!!!??!!
Happy thrifting my blogging friends!!!!  Head on over to Candy's blog to see lots more thrift treasures.


  1. Hello Janis, yes, I do believe you have mentioned you love thrift store shopping... ME TOO! I always look forward to seeing what you create with your finds... Bisous... Julie Marie

  2. HI Janis,
    You're right,,,it does not matter what it was but what it *will* be!! I love it and how cool that you can cut your *own* letters! I loved all of your WW too...very chic and pretty kitchen!
    Have a great day!

  3. Janis - what a great find! I love how you've displayed it, and that moss is so cool!

    I posted my ThriftDay "find"'ll have to pop over and see!

    Take care my friend, Kathy

  4. I am there with you.I love thrifting too!! Your find is so very cool.I bet you were very excited when you see it.I liked what you to to embellish it up.Sooo cute!! I am going to leave here in a few min to go to one.You have a bright day and as always more Fun Finds 2 U ... Chickie

  5. Love this Janis. Your home and garden evoke the feel of a great spa!
