
August 8, 2009

Medical Junk

This old enamelware pitcher is one of my favorite junk pieces. When I was in nursing school living in residence it was used in one of the labs. One of my junking buddies sent me the vintage syringe...........this is a little junkstyle get well bouquet.


  1. Oh, I love that! Very fun and very pretty, too.

  2. That syringe is scary looking by itself, but looks charming as an enhancement with your floral arrangement!

    Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving your nice comment about our book. We'd love to have you join us for a workshop or event one day!

    Beth of Salvage Studio

  3. Hello~your blog is so cute! I knew as soon as I read "curbside finds" I was in the right place! Stop by for a visit.

  4. love your blog, if you have time stop on over & say hi, i think you'll like :) gio

  5. hey silly girl, it's me :) i guess i didn't realize it was you from junkmarket, i'm italianpeasant over there, but my main blog is decoratortothestars :) gio
