
August 6, 2013

PRINTED BURLAP by Rust: Vintage Inspired Design

Here's an easy project for left over pieces of burlap....

Simply cut your piece of  burlap to fit over a piece of printer paper,
then tape it to the piece of paper and feed it through your printer...
I was amazed at how well the graphic printed on to the burlap.  My
husband was amazed (actually distraught) that I put burlap through the printer!  Not
sure that I'll be doing that again anytime soon ;)...
Happy day!

“Oh the thinks you can think up if only you try!”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!


August 1, 2013


How on earth did it get to be August already?  My but time flies....I've been busy with
the usual life stuff and having a great summer...
I have long been a fan of Rachel Ashwell & have
just returned from a trip to California where I got to FINALLY get to one of
her amazing SHABBY COUTURE stores (in Santa Monica).  It was
heaven on earth!
 I will post some pictures of
my new Rachel Ashwell shabby chic bedding one day soon!

In the meantime here are some shabby bottles that
 I embellished.
 I stuck old earring to the center of these new crosses in order
to vintage-fy them and simply glued them to these old bottles.
Happy summer days!
“Reach high, for the stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep,
for every dream precedes the goal."
~Pamela Vaull Starr