
September 22, 2012


What a gorgeous month September has been!
I've been busy working, doing kid stuff and painting!

Can you stand how adorable this old yellow jeepstar is?  I planted it up early
in the spring with some hen and chicks and enjoyed it all summer.

Stay tuned for market dates as Rust:Vintage Inspired
Design will be involved in two Christmas markets, as well as The Passionate Home's Christmas
open house.
I'll also be teaching some Christmas themed classes at The Passionate Home in November....
stay tuned!

I am so blessed to work as a pediatric nurse in addition to having my little junk business. 
I am continually inspired by the families that I am privledged to come
in contact with at my work.....I have been thinking of this quote all week
as I met the most inspiring mom who juggles a family of her own, as well as
5 foster kids...........

"One hundred years from now, It will not matter what kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in, Or how much money I had in the bank,
But the world may be a better place because
 I made a difference in a child's life."
Author unknown

Happy day!