
June 27, 2012


I've been wanting to try this project forever......
and finally did!
This is the top of a rescued cable spool.
I white washed and waxed it, added some house numbers and a clock kit to turn it in to
a working clock.
Happy day!

“What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”
Hans Urs von Balthasar

June 23, 2012


I was completely overwhelmed by the masses of kind hearted, complimentary
 and encouraging people I met today at the Olde Farmhouse Market so wanted to do a quick post to let you all know how much I value and appreciate you!
Whether you bought something from me or just stopped by to tell me how much you loved my booth you all contributed to an extraordinary day for I thank you all from
the bottom of my heart!

 I love repurposing "junk" and I love that so many of you love
what I do!
Many of you asked about purchasing things from me outside of the market and
I plan on adding a page to my blog in the near future where I will list things for sale
as I make them, also please feel free to email me with particular requests.
Happy day
THANK YOU AGAIN!  You all inspire me!

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.

Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”


June 21, 2012


I found this great globe at the thrift store, BUT....
unfortunately, left it out in the rain! 
So I had to come up with an idea to still make it saleable (is that a word?).
A search on google led me to some globe altering sites and
King of cute, don't you think?!

Happy day!

"We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace."
William Gladstone

June 20, 2012


I've been collecting old photo cards forever and finally incorporated them
in to a, love, love this sweet lampshade.
Each photo card I used in this project has a childhood picture on it so I thought this lamp
would be the perfect addition to a little girl's room.  The lamp itself is a beautiful
gloss white and has a cherub on it (will have to get a better picture of the whole thing).
Have been so limited with the picture taking days as I like to photograph on sunny days and I think we may only have had one of those in the last month!

Happy (sunshinny) day!
By your own soul, learn to live
And if men thwart you take no heed.
If men hate you have no care.
Sing your song, dream your dream,
Hope your hope and pray your prayer.--Parkenham Beatty

June 17, 2012


I love old metal toy trucks and scooped this up at the flea market last weekend.  It is exactly what I have been looking for for ages!

I am really hoping to find a old green metal tractor pulling a farm wagon one of these days too!
I'm always amazed when I eventually find that exact little treasure I have been searching for!
Happy day...lets hope for some sunshine for the West Coast of BC this week!

Service which is rendered without joy helps neither
the servant nor the served. But all other pleasures and possessions pale into
nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy.
Mahatma Gandhi

June 15, 2012


Can you believe the colour of this old door?!?
One of my sweet friends salvaged it from an old house on a property they built on (this, two others, as well as tons of windows who her husband painstakingly removed as to leave them as intact as possible for me----thank you, thank you Jaye and Garth!)
 I had the perfect shelf and frame to add to it and I absolutely love the way this project turned out!
 And this flea market cross was the perfect embellishment for an old bottle
I had stored away.

Happy day!

Each of us represents a star in Heaven. Sometimes we shine with the rest,
sometimes we twinkle alone and sometimes, when we least expect it,
we make someone else's dreams come true.
Author Unknown

June 14, 2012


We got a new puppy last November who is such a joy (except when she chews up stuff I have made for a market!).  Well, I think I am a little dog crazy now and couldn't resist bringing home this sweet little friend from the thrift store.
Having so much fun preparing for the Olde Farmhouse Market!

“When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them.” – Plato
Happy day!